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Forgiveness is one of the most distinguishing features of Ramadan. If we truly want Allah's love, mercy and forgiveness, we must remember that the pleasures in this world are transient, and we are working toward that which is permanent. Is it worth being bitter and stunting our growth? Will it really benefit us? Will our anger and bitterness change the person who has hurt us?

Let us use this Ramadan to open our hearts to those who have wronged us and forgive them as we beg Allah to forgive us..

Love a little more than what is necessary..
Work a little harder than what is required..
Be a little kinder than what is usual..
Give a little more than what u feel u can afford..
Stand in a prayer a little longer than what u intended..
Be a little more patient than what u feel u can handle..
It is that little extra effort sparked by sincerity in the heart
that makes your ordinary self extraordinary...

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Degil...Tehh Ais


Sayangnya habis nasi ayam dan tehh tarik makan tengah hari keluar balik..

*sedap nasi ayam aunty mala ni..siap tapau bawa balik lagi :P*

Orang degil memang suka menyusahkan diri..

Tapi dah teringin.. :( itu order Tehh Ais..

Jika badan tengah lemah dan/atau cuaca sejuk.. Kena elakkan minuman sejuk dan berais sebab senang batuk..badan tak tahan..

*dahla tengah pregnant..saya ni degilkan..teringat kawan saya Sharini dah pesan juga jangan minum ais*

Bila dah batuk.. Berduyun lendir keluar dan habis semua muntah..

*bila dah muntah..apa lagi.. Laparla balik!*


Suami: itula dah larang jangan minum ais..
Isteri: ayang teringin..
Suami: suka menyusahkan diri..
Isteri: ayang minta maaf..janganla marah.. Pasni ayang tak minum lagi..
Suami: degil!
Suami: tengok ni badan..sejuk ni..
Isteri: tapi ayang rasa panas (tak mahu tutup kipas)
Suami: hurm..

*Hidayah sila dengar nasihat suami, awak tu bila-bila masa akan bersalin ni..badan mesti sihat tau! (Pesan pada diri sendiri)*


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